quinta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2010

Empréstimo de Livros Kindle já disponível - Kindle ebook lending enabled by Amazon

A Amazon disponibilizou hoje mesmo o empréstimo de ebooks kindle adquiridos na Kindle Store, para os clientes registados com morada dos Estados Unidos.

Assim, a partir de agora (desde que o editor não o proíba) pode emprestar os livros que tiver adquirido na Kindle Store.

O empréstimo é efectuado através do preenchimento de um formulário simples, que inclui o e-mail do destinatário do empréstimo.

O destinatário do empréstimo, que não tem de ter um Kindle (pode ter um iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, equipamento Android, PC, Mac...) e tem 7 dias para aceitar o empréstimo; se não o fizer este caduca.

Se aceitar o empréstimo, este vigora durante 14 dias, período após o qual expira.

Cada livro só pode ser emprestado uma única vez.

Para já, repito, esta possibilidade apenas está disponível para clientes registados com morada Kindle nos Estados Unidos. Estes podem emprestar livros para clientes com morada noutros países, mas estes só poderão ler os livros se a leitura dos mesmos não estiver limitada pelos direitos de publicação do livro.

Podem saber tudo no link abaixo ou na imagem, para ir directamente à Amazon.

Empréstimo de Livros Kindle

terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

Oferta Especial - Livros a 1 Libra na Amazon UK

A Amazon Reino Unido tem em vigor uma oferta especial de livros a uma libra, que podem ser adquiridos a quem tiver o seu Kindle registado como no Reino Unido (é fácil, basta fazê-lo manualmente na página de gestão do Kindle - Your Account e depois Manage your Country).

Clique no link abaixo para conhecer a oferta disponível.

Como colocar fotografias no Kindle

Em seguida apresento um artigo que explica como pode adicionar imagens suas ao seu Kindle, permitindo o seu uso como screensaver, ou protector de ecrã.

Clique no título se desejar ir para a página original.

How to Add Pictures to a Kindle

A Kindle is a wireless reading device that allows users to read books electronically.
Users can increase the size of the text and read from numerous books with the device.
Among its many features is Kindle's ability to show a screen saver when the device goes into
"Sleep" mode. Kindle owners can now select what images the device will show by using certain
guidelines that will allow the device to read the images successfully.
  1. 1
    Create a picture you would like to add to your Kindle by using any image software. Window's Paint should work just fine for non-complicated images, but if you are skilled with advanced software such as Adobe Photoshop, you are at an advantage.
  2. 2
    Use image software to open your pictures when they are ready to be transferred onto the Kindle. Image software will help make your image compatible with the system or else it won't transfer properly.
  3. 3
    Set the maximum size of the image to 800 pixels high by 600 pixels wide. The image can be less than this size, but if is any bigger, it will not be read by the Kindle. Consult with your image software's user guide if you do not know how to set the image size. For Windows Paint, the image size can be set by clicking on "Resize" and entering the values into their designated box. Be sure to switch the resizing medium from "Percentage" to "Pixels."
  4. 4
    Save your image as either a GIF or JPG file extension once you are done creating your image. This option will be available to you when you select "Save As" and will be located on the bottom part of the window, underneath "File Name."
  5. 5
    Edit your image to a higher contrast if the file size is over 64 kilobytes, the maximum size for an image to be read by Kindle. Start by making the image into grey scale. In Windows Paint go to "Image Properties" and select "Black and white." Click "OK."

    Another method of decreasing an image's file size, is to make the image size smaller. However, decreasing the image size may cause it to look a bit distorted and unclear on the Kindle, due to its high pixelation.
  6. 6
    Attach the Kindle to your computer using a USB cable. Once the computer is able to read the device, open the Kindle files by choosing the appropriate option on the pop-out window or by selecting the device under "My Computer".
  7. 7
    Create a new folder named "Pictures." Open this new folder and create another folder named "My Pictures." Proceed to copy all of your newly created Kindle pictures from your computer to this new "My Pictures" folder.
  8. 8
    Disconnect your Kindle from the computer and go to its Home Screen. Press "Alt" and "Z" -- this will cause a new book called "My Pictures" to appear.
  9. 9
    Open your new "My Pictures" book and see if all your pictures were transferred properly. You can view each picture at a full page size by pressing "F." If you want certain pictures to be part of your screen saver, press "Alt," "Shift" and "0." After a brief loading period, you will be notified that that the selected image has been added to the screen saver.

Read more: How to Add Pictures to a Kindle | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7342095_add-pictures-kindle.html#ixzz19PMfmznU

segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2010

Kindle bate records de vendas na Amazon

A Amazon anunciou que o Kindle se tornou neste Natal no produto mais vendido de sempre da loja.

Há de resto fontes da imprensa norte-americana que apontam para 8 milhões de Kindle 3 vendidos ao longo do ano de 2010.

Leia aqui um extracto do press-release sobre o Kindle:

Third-Generation Kindle Now the Bestselling Product of All Time on Amazon Worldwide
In just five months, new Kindle replaces 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' as best-selling product in Amazon's history
SEATTLE, Dec 27, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) --(NASDAQ: AMZN)--Amazon.com today announced that the third-generation Kindle is now the bestselling product in Amazon's history, eclipsing "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)." The company also announced that on its peak day, Nov. 29, customers ordered more than 13.7 million items worldwide across all product categories, which is a record-breaking 158 items per second.

"We're grateful to the millions of customers who have made the all-new Kindle the bestselling product in the history of Amazon -- surpassing Harry Potter 7," said Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com founder and CEO. "We're seeing that many of the people who are buying Kindles also own an LCD tablet. Customers report using their LCD tablets for games, movies, and web browsing and their Kindles for reading sessions. They report preferring Kindle for reading because it weighs less, eliminates battery anxiety with its month-long battery life, and has the advanced paper-like Pearl e-ink display that reduces eye-strain, doesn't interfere with sleep patterns at bedtime, and works outside in direct sunlight, an important consideration especially for vacation reading. Kindle's $139 price point is a key factor -- it's low enough that people don't have to choose."

Jogos para o Kindle com desconto na Amazon.com

Se mudar a sua morada do Kindle na página "Manage your Kindle"  - "Your Country" para os Estados Unidos pode comprar jogos para o Kindle, agora com 50% de desconto.

Além disso, pode aceder a um conjunto enorme de livros realmente gratuitos (custo ZERO) para o Kindle.

Depois de mudar a morada para os EUA clique aqui e veja por si o top de livros gratuitos na Amazon.com


O que pode fazer com o Kindle (para além do óbvio)

Em seguida reproduzo um artigo, que pode ler aqui, na versão original, e que explica o que pode fazer com o Kindle, para além de ler livros e jornais.

Nos próximos dias publicarei uma tradução em Português deste artigo.
Para já aqui vai a versão original, em inglês.

What else can you do with the Kindle besides read?

The Kindle is a dedicated eBook reader. It’s focused on reading, and built from the ground up to be a good reading device.
However, there are quite a few non-reading related things you can do with it.
Ran into an article that mentioned 5 things – playing games, surfing the Net, using InstaPaper, text to speech, social sharing. Well, let’s see if we can come up with a better list.
Things You can do with Your Kindle
Let’s start off with a rough list -
  1. Check your email. You must use the mobile versions of sites. While the big 3 email providers (Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail) work, some of the smaller ones don’t. Your Comcast or RoadRunner email account might not work – Do a search to confirm.
  2. Check the News, Weather, Quotes, and Scores. Using mobile versions of sites, you can get access to all these services.
  3. Surf the Internet, and read sites and blogs. The Kindle 3′s browser does a decent job of displaying sites. Selecting items and moving around is a pain – but things display fine for the most part. Note that some sites won’t work.
  4. Browse Wikipedia. 
  5. Listen to Music. It’s designed to be background music, so the only options are to pause/resume a track, and to skip to the next track. However, the stereo speakers let you listen to music if you don’t mind the limitations.
  6. Listen to Audiobooks. If you have an Audible audiobook, or audiobooks in mp3 format, you can use your Kindle to listen to them.
  7. Convert your books and documents into audiobooks with text to speech. For all documents you add, and for books which don’t have Text to Speech disabled by their Publishers, you can have the Kindle read the book to you.
  8. Read Manga. You’ll need a program like Mangle to optimize images for the Kindle. After that, you can read your manga on your Kindle. Kindle isn’t built for this, so the experience isn’t going to be spectacular – it’ll be decent.
  9. View Images. You can load up your images, and browse through them. Here too the experience is decent, not spectacular.
  10. Play Free Games. Minesweeper and Gomoku are built-in, and are very rudimentary. There are also 4 free Kindle Apps - Minesweeper again, Blackjack, and two word games (Shuffled Row, Every Word).
  11. Play ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ type games. There are 3 Kindle Games of this type, and they’re all paid – Dusk World, Choice of the DragonChoice of Broadsides.
  12. Play Puzzles and Word Puzzles and Card Games. There are around 20 paid games in the Kindle App Store - They range from NY Times Crosswords to Scrabble to Mahjongg Solitaire.
Those are the obvious things. Next, let’s look at some additional things you can do on your Kindle.
Stretching the Kindle’s usefulness
There are a bunch of additional things you can do, though not always very well, on the Kindle -
  1. Check the Time and Date. Press Menu to see the time in the status bar at the top of the page. On the Home Page, type in @t to see the date and time.
  2. Upload a blank text document to your Kindle, and use it to type out your grocery list, or to type out notes.
  3. Use Kindle for driving directions – Go to the mobile version of Google Maps.
  4. Shop. You can obviously buy books – However, you can also use the browser to do other types of shopping. It’s slow and clunky, but doable. The mobile version of Amazon works decently well.
  5. Read Sheet Music. You can actually buy sheet music books. You can also upload your own PDFs or images with sheet music.
  6. View Knitting Patterns. Upload images of knitting patterns on your Kindle, and use it as a knitting reference.
  7. Create a vocabulary list. Whenever you look up a word in the dictionary – highlight it. Then go into the dictionary, and find and highlight other words you want in your vocabulary list. Now, when you are in the Dictionary, you can go to‘View My Notes & Marks’ in the Menu, and you get your Vocabulary List.
  8. Use as a Picture Frame. Use the Kindle screensaver hack to allow your own screensavers. Then put the photos you want as screensavers.
  9. Use Read It Later or InstaPaper. During the day/week, collect all the articles you want to read using either of these tools. Then download the articles to your Kindle, and read them later when you have time.
  10. Keep a document full of Song Lyrics.
  11. Carry user guides for your camera and other devices.
  12. Use Kindle as a USB drive. 3.3 GB out of the 4 GB memory is available to Kindle owners – which means you’ll usually have a few GB free, and can use Kindle as a USB drive.
  13. Use it for scripts and screenplays.
  14. Use it for podcasts and radio shows. You’ll have to download these to your PC, and then transfer them to your Kindle. After that, you can play them like regular mp3 files.
  15. Keep travel confirmations and information, such as flight numbers and flight confirmation numbers.
  16. Check in to your flight from the Kindle. This might not work for some airline websites.
  17. Put in Menus for your favorite restaurants. Put in a document with phone numbers for restaurants and delivery services.
  18. Use it as a phone book. Upload a text document that has all your contacts.
  19. Keep your workout routine.
  20. Search for what’s good nearby. If you’re out, and want to grab a meal – just Google for the closest restaurants. Thanks to Andrys for this tip.
  21. For authors – Use it to see what your book will read like. You can take a half-finished manuscript, put it on the Kindle, and get a great idea what it reads like.
  22. Download rules for games, when on a trip, so everyone can join in.
  23. Use it for trading. Might not work if you’re a high frequency trader.
  24. Get a themed skin or cover, and show off your Kindle, and your good taste, in public. Candidates include Monet and Van Gogh skins, and Greaty Gatsby and Great Expectations covers.
  25. Use CutePDF to convert a website into a PDF, and read it later.
  26. Put travel guides and travel articles on your Kindle for trips.
  27. Find cocktail recipes and instructions. You could also check up on hangover cures the next day.
  28. Use for study notes.
  29. Use for vocabulary lists.
  30. Put meditation music on it, and use your Kindle to relax.
  31. For Pilots – Use it for aviation charts.
  32. Use a translation dictionary with the Kindle. Also, you can collect travel phrases online, copy them into a text document, and put the document on your Kindle.
  33. Store genealogy records on it.
  34. Store lecture notes on your Kindle.
  35. Put the TV schedule on it.
  36. Check movie showtimes.
  37. Keep a list of emergency phone numbers, and your doctor’s contact information.
  38. Keep a list of birthdays.
  39. Keep a list of gift ideas, and a gift checklist – mark off gifts that have already been bought.
  40. Check reviews and prices using the Kindle’s browser, when you are buying something in a store.
  41. Have a speech or a presentation read to you, to see how it sounds.
  42. Use your Kindle instead of cue cards, when doing a presentation.