terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

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segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Livro Gratuito "PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences"

Continuando no tema das redes sociais apresento outro livro gratuito de grande interesse.

Informação dos editores:

   Amazon.com Review

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences

The new media world of Web 2.0 offers many opportunities and also many dangers for public relations professionals and their clients. This world can seem confusing and counter-intuitive to the newcomer, and a lot of what has worked in traditional media will only cause problems in this space. Finding solid information to get yourself up to speed has been very difficult.
As the founder of Wikipedia, I have been forced to deal many times with clumsy attempts to use new media (Wikipedia in particular), attempts which have often backfired as the client and PR professional end up embarrassed and looking bad. Most of the time, these efforts were well-meaning but misguided. The practitioners just did not understand what to do.
Deirde Breakenridge's PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences is an excellent antidote to these problems. She covers the gamut of new technologies from social networking, blogs, RSS, podcasts, wikis, and more. And she helps the reader to understand the right way to use these tools in an appropriate fashion.
Whether you are a young PR professional just starting out, or an old timer just getting involved in the new media landscape, you will find Breakenridge's book to be a must read.
--Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia

 Product Description

This is the eBook version of the printed book.
Praise for PR 2.0

“An ‘easy read’ filled with practical examples of how marketing professionals can leverage these new tools to enhance PR activities. The ‘Interviews with the Experts’ sections were especially useful in helping to highlight how companies have benefited from PR2.0.”
Maura Mahoney, Senior Director, RCN Metro Optical Networks

P.R. 2.0 is a must-read for any marketing or PR professional. It is filled with expert advice, real-world examples, and practical guidance to help us better understand the new media tools and social networking concepts available and how we can use them for our specific branding needs. This book is excellent for someone who is trying to understand the new web-based media and social networking concepts, as well those who are experienced in applying the new media tools and are curious about what everyone else is doing and what tools are producing the best ROI. This isn’t a book filled with simple tips and tricks--it’s an essential guidebook for the marketing/PR professional to better understand the new media options and how to apply them effectively to achieve results.”
Jenny Fisher, Director Sales and Marketing Operations, Catalent Pharma Solutions

“Wading through the thicket of expanding Internet tools--from MySpace to Facebook, from Twitter to Flickr--is no easy challenge. And once you finally understand these strange new art forms, how the heck do you harness them? Answer: You buy this book. Deirdre Breakenridge knows the Net--how to measure it, monitor it, and use it to maximize public relations performance. Best of all, she explains it in a style that even a Luddite can comprehend.”
Fraser P. Seitel, author of The Practice of Public Relations and coauthor of IdeaWise

The New Future of Public Relations!

In today’s Web 2.0 world, traditional methods of communication won’t reach your audiences, much less convince them. Here’s the good news: Powerful new tools offer you an unprecedented opportunity to start a meaningful two-way conversation with everyone who matters to you. In PR 2.0, Deirdre Breakenridge helps you master these tools and use them to the fullest possible advantage in all your public relations work.

You’ll learn the best ways to utilize blogs, social networking, online newswires, RSS technology, podcasts, and the rest of today’s Web 2.0 tools. Breakenridge shows how to choose the right strategies for each PR scenario and environment, keep the best Web 1.0 tools, and stop using outmoded tactics that have rapidly become counterproductive.

Breakenridge introduces an extraordinary array of new PR best practices, including setting up online newsrooms, using visual and social media in releases, and leveraging new online research and analytics tools. She offers powerful new ways to think about PR, plan for it, and react to the new PR challenges the Web presents. Breakenridge also includes interviews with today’s leading PR 2.0 practitioners.

PR 1.0 vs. PR 2.0
Identify the needs of companies and clients, and how to integrate them for greatest effectiveness.

PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences

Livro Gratuito "How to Make Money with Social Media"

Como ganhar dinheiro com as redes sociais. Um guia muito interessante que surge como uma promoção de hoje.

Uma nota. Alguns dos livros que tenho indicado como gratuitos são-no por um tempo limitado, por isso, se estiver mesmo interessado nalguns destes livros gratuitos "compre-o" de imediato porque passado algum tempo podem deixar de ser gratuitos.

As críticas dos leitores são muito favoráveis, veja a descrição dos editores:


“Return on investment in social media is like the weather: Everybody talks about it, but nobody is doing anything about it. With this book, Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah set you up for success with some key fundamentals, and then give you some very specific and illustrative examples on how to calculate the ROI of your social media efforts.”
Scott Monty, Global Digital Communications, Ford Motor Company

“If you simply slap a few tools like Twitter and Facebook onto your existing marketing, you are not engaging. Social media are more than tools. But if you change your mindset, you can make money. This book is packed with information to show you how.”
David Meerman Scott, bestselling author, The New Rules of Marketing, and coauthor, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead

“This book is not a self-help guide to instant riches but offers a variety of strategies and quick tips to the experienced marketer in an entertaining and light tone. Callout boxes showcase key ideas. Although not a textbook, it would be an excellent choice to complement readings in marketing courses.”Library Journal

  Product Description

Want to earn big profits from social media?
Now, there’s an authoritative, up-to-the-minute resource you can trust–and use.

This in-the-trenches guide is written by experts who’ve developed money-making marketing campaigns for many of the world’s largest companies. Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, Ph.D., combine practical strategies and proven execution techniques to show how to avoid crucial pitfalls that other companies have encountered, how to make the most of limited resources, and how to strengthen your brand instead of placing it at risk.

Turner and Shah present realistic guidance for setting objectives, assessing competitors, crafting strategies, selecting platforms, integrating social media into broader marketing programs, and effectively measuring results. Whether you’re a marketer, executive, or entrepreneur, this book will help you drive maximum business value from social media–starting right now.

Big ideas and immediate action steps:
How to set up a social media campaign for success
...and how to get a positive return on your investment
How to profit from YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
…and go way beyond them
Why your first social media campaign failed
…and what to do differently next time
What to measure, how to measure it
…and how to act on what you learn

Livros Gratuitos para o Kindle - Desporto

A Amazon tem disponibilizado um número cada vez maior de livros gratuitos para os leitores situados fora dos Estados Unidos.

Aqui apresento o Top 100 Livros Gratuitos sobre Desporto na Amazon.

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