sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

Livro Gratuito - "Be Assertive - The How-To Guide"

Hoje apresento um livro que pretende ser uma ajuda para se tornar uma pessoa mais assertiva nas suas relações pessoais e profissionais.

Clique aqui ou sobre a imagem para importar o livro a partir da Amazon.

Descrição do editor:

"Have you noticed that assertive people tend to get more of what they want out of life? Learning to be more assertive can help you improve relationships, get promoted, reduce stress, and gain respect. Download “Be Assertive: The How-To Guide” now and get simple, winning strategies for being more assertive in your daily life.

With this Vook you’ll learn effective ways to become a more assertive communicator in all facets of life, in eight engaging chapters. First you’ll learn what assertiveness is and how to use assertive language in all of your verbal interactions. Then you’ll learn how to become more confident and poised with your body language and voice, and how to deal assertively with difficult friends, family members, coworkers and bosses. Finally, you’ll learn how to navigate pushy customers and service people and explore creative ways to respond when you’re met with a “No” and you want to hear a “Yes.” Helpful tips throughout provide additional strategies to improve your communications at home, at work, and in your free time."

terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011

Livro Gratuito na Amazon "The World According to Oprah: An Unauthorized Portrait in Her Own Words"

Para quem conhece a figura de Oprah Winfrey mas gostaria de saber mais sobre a sua origem, pode agora importar gratuitamente para o seu Kindle, iPad, iPhone, PC ou Mac, esta biografia não autorizada da apresentadora de TV americana.

Clique aqui para importar gratuitamente ou sobre a imagem

de Ken Lawrence